Air Force Group Y Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024 PDF Download

The Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant Syllabus & Exam Pattern is pivotal in exam preparation, guiding applicants on the specific areas to focus on. The selection process involves three phases: an online examination, a physical fitness ability test, and a medical examination. The online exam comprises multiple-choice questions covering English, Reasoning, and General Awareness (RAGA) subjects.

Air Force Group Y Syllabus 2024

Candidates must be well-versed with the 10+2 level syllabus as the examination is set at a higher secondary education standard. Solving Air Force Group Y Model Papers provides invaluable real-time exam experience. The Indian Air Force Group Y syllabus encompasses the following subjects: English, Reasoning, and General Awareness.

EnglishReasoning and General Awareness (RAGA)
ComprehensionGrammarWord Formation (nouns from verbs, adjectives, etc.)PropositionDeterminersNoun & PronounConjunctionAdverbModalsClauses (noun, adverb & relative clauses)Subject-verb concordVerb formation and error in their useSentence transformation (simple, negative, compound, complex, etc.)One-word substitutionSynonymsAntonymsSpelling errorsIdioms and phrasesNumerical seriesDistance and Direction sense TestMathematical Operations Number, Ranking & Time Sequence TestAssign Artificial Values to Mathematical DigitInserting Correct Mathematical signHuman relationCoding & DecodingOdd man outMutual relation problemsTallest, youngest relationsDictionary woodsAnalogyNon- Verbal reasoningNumber codingNumber PuzzleRatio and ProportionAverageLCM & HCFProfit and LossTime, Distance, and Speed.Percentage.Simplifications of NumbersFractions.Area of triangle, Square, and Rectangle.Surface Area and Volume of Cuboids, Cylinder, Cone, and Sphere.Probability.Simple TrigonometryGeneral ScienceCivicsGeographyCurrent EventsHistoryBasic Computer Operations

Air Force Group Y Exam Pattern 2024

Below is the exam pattern for all three phases of the selection process: an online test, a physical fitness test, and a medical examination. Familiarize yourself with the detailed Indian Airforce Group Y Syllabus and Exam Pattern, which adheres to a 10+2 level, and tailor your exam preparation accordingly.

Furthermore, the Indian Air Force has outlined specific physical standards for the Airforce Group Y examination.

Physical StandardsDetails
HeightMinimum 152.5 cm (Male) and 152 cm (Female)
Chest77cm with a minimum range of expansion is 5 cm.
WeightProportionate to height and age.
Corneal SurgeryNot acceptable.
Hearing77cm with a minimum range of expansion of 5 cm.
DentalShould have healthy gums, a good set of teeth, and a minimum of 14 dental points.
Visual StandardsVisual Acuity: 6/12 each eye, correctable to 6/6 each eyeMaximum limits of Refractive error: Hypermetropia: +2.0D, Myopia: 1D, Including ± 0.50 D Astigmatism
General HealthNormal hearing, i.e., hearing a forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters with each ear separately.

Air Force Group Y Exam Syllabus

Candidates can check out the detailed syllabus of Mathematics, Physics, English, and Raga for the Agniveer Airforce exam in the table given below:

1.EnglishA comprehension passage with four questions: Subject- Verb concord: Forms of verbs and errors in the use of verbs, etc.Sequence of tenses and errors in the use of tenses.Transformation of sentences: Compound, Complex, Simple, Negative, Affirmative, Comparative degree, Positive degree, Superlative degree, etc.Formation of Words- Nouns from Verbs and Adjectives, Adjectives from Nouns and Verbs, Adverbs from Adjectives, etc.DeterminersThe PrepositionNouns and PronounsThe AdjectivesThe AdverbThe ConjunctionThe modalsClauses- Noun clauses, Adverb clauses of condition and time,, and Relative Clauses.Synonyms and Antonyms in contextOne word substitutionSpelling pitfallsSimple Idioms/ PhrasesWords often confused/ Selecting the correct word fitting in a sentenceNarration (Direct and Indirect)Commands and requestsStatements (Various tenses)Questions (Various forms of questions, tenses, etc.)Voice (Active and Passive)Jumbled Sentences
2.MathematicsA comprehension passage with four questions: Subject- Verb concord: Forms of verbs and errors in the use of verbs, etc.Sequence of tenses and errors in the use of tenses.Transformation of sentences: Compound, Complex, Simple, Negative, Affirmative, Comparative degree, Positive degree, Superlative degree, etc.Formation of Words- Nouns from Verbs and Adjectives, Adjectives from Nouns and Verbs, Adverbs from Adjectives, etc.DeterminersThe PrepositionNouns and PronounsThe AdjectivesThe AdverbThe ConjunctionThe modalsClauses- Noun clauses, Adverb clauses of condition and time, and Relative Clauses.Synonyms and Antonyms in contextOne word substitutionSpelling pitfallsSimple Idioms/ PhrasesWords often confused/ Selecting the correct word fitting in a sentenceNarration (Direct and Indirect)Commands and requestsStatements (Various tenses)Questions (Various forms of questions, tenses, etc.)Voice (Active and Passive)Jumbled Sentences
3.PhysicsPhysical World and MeasurementKinematicsLaws of MotionWork, Energy and PowerThe motion of the System of Particles and Rigid BodyGravitationProperties of Bulk MatterThermodynamicsThe behavior of Perfect Gases and the Kinetic Theory of GasesOscillations and WavesElectrostaticsCurrent ElectricityMagnetic Effects of Current and MagnetismElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating CurrentElectro Magnetic WavesOpticsDual Nature of Matter and RadiationAtoms and NucleiElectronic Devices
4.RAGAReasoning (Verbal and Non- Verbal)Numerical series.Distance and Direction Sense Test.Mathematical OperationsNumber, Ranking & Time Sequence Test. Assign Artificial Values to Mathematical Digit. Inserting Correct Mathematical sign.Human relation.Coding & DecodingOdd man out.Mutual relation problems.Tallest, youngest relations.Dictionary woods.Analogy.Non-verbal reasoning.Number coding.Number Puzzle.MathematicsRatio and Proportion.Average.LCM & HCF.Profit and Loss.Time, Distance, and Speed.Percentage.Simplifications of Numbers.Fractions.Area of triangle, Square, and Rectangle.Surface Area and volume of Cuboids, Cylinders, Cones, and Sphere.Probability.Simple Trigonometry.General Knowledge and Current AffairsGeneral ScienceCivicsGeographyCurrent EventsHistoryBasic Computer Operations​

Air Force Group Y Physical Fitness Test

In Phase III of the selection process, candidates must pass the physical fitness test, where they must perform various physical activities. Candidates who pass the physical fitness test will qualify for the Adaptability Test I. Below are the physical activities candidates need to perform:

Indian Airforce Agniveer Physical Fitness Test
Male Candidates
TestMax Time PeriodRemarks
1.6 Km Run7 Minutes
10 Push-ups1 MinuteThe test will be conducted after 02-minute break on completion of the run
10 Sit-ups1 MinuteThe test will be conducted after the 02-minute break on completion of 10 Sit-ups
20 Squats1 MinuteThe test will be conducted after a 02-minute break on completion of 10 Sit-ups
Female Candidates
TestMax Time PeriodRemarks
1.6 Km Run8 Minutes
10 Sit-ups1 Minute and 30 SecondsThe test will be conducted after 02-minute break on completion of 10 Sit-ups
15 Squats1 MinuteThe test will be conducted after the 02-minute break on completing 10 Sit-ups.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of the Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant Syllabus?

The syllabus serves as a comprehensive guide for exam preparation, outlining the topics and subjects that candidates need to cover.

What main subjects are covered in the Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant Syllabus?

The main subjects typically include English, Reasoning, General Awareness, and specific topics related to medical assistance.

Is the Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant Syllabus based on a specific educational level?

Yes, the syllabus is designed based on the 10+2 educational level, ensuring that candidates are tested on topics relevant to their educational background.

Using the syllabus, how can candidates effectively prepare for the Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant examination?

Candidates should thoroughly study each subject mentioned in the syllabus, focusing on understanding concepts and practicing questions regularly.

Are there any recommended resources or study materials aligned with the Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant Syllabus?

Candidates can refer to textbooks, previous years’ question papers, online study materials, and mock tests to supplement their preparation and familiarize themselves with the exam pattern.

Does the Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant Syllabus cover practical aspects of medical assistance?

While the syllabus primarily focuses on theoretical knowledge, candidates may encounter questions that assess their understanding of practical aspects related to medical assistance.

Is it advisable to seek coaching or guidance for preparation based on the Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant Syllabus?

While self-study can be effective, some candidates may benefit from coaching or guidance to better understand complex topics and enhance their preparation strategies.

How often is the Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant Syllabus updated?

The syllabus may be revised periodically to align with changes in educational standards or advancements in medical assistance practices. Candidates are advised to stay updated with the latest syllabus provided by the Indian Air Force.


Air Force Group Y Medical Assistant Syllabus serves as a vital roadmap for candidates preparing for the examination. It delineates the subjects, topics, and educational level upon which the assessment is based, enabling candidates to focus their efforts effectively. With a focus on 10+2 level education and encompassing subjects like English, Reasoning, General Awareness, and specific medical assistance topics, the syllabus equips candidates with the necessary knowledge and understanding required to excel in the examination.

Additionally, candidates are encouraged to utilize various study resources such as textbooks, previous years’ question papers, online study materials, and mock tests aligned with the syllabus to enhance their preparation. While self-study can be effective, some candidates may opt for coaching or guidance to deepen their understanding of complex topics and refine their preparation strategies.

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