Air Force Group X Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024| Subject- Wise Syllabus, Books & More

The Indian Air Force Group X Exam 2024 notification has been officially released, and the application process is currently underway. Familiarity with the Air Force Group X Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 is crucial for candidates. It enables them to tailor their preparation according to the examination’s format and syllabus.

The selection process for Air Force Group X 2024 comprises three phases. The preliminary syllabus for Air Force Group X 2024 includes English, Mathematics, and Physics as the primary subjects. Candidates will tackle multiple-choice questions (MCQs) online, covering these subjects.

For a detailed insight into the Indian Air Force Group X Syllabus & exam pattern, refer to the article below. Additionally, candidates can access preparation strategies, recommended books, and a free downloadable PDF for offline reference.

Air Force Group X Syllabus 2024

The Phase I syllabus for the Air Force Group X Exam 2024 encompasses three key subjects: English, Physics, and Mathematics. Below are the expected topics that candidates should review:

Air Force Group X Syllabus PDF 2024
English Reading ComprehensionGrammarWord Formation (nouns from verbs, adjectives, etc.)PropositionDeterminersNoun & PronounModalsClauses (noun, adverb & relative ConjunctionAdverb clauses)Subject-verb concordVerb formation and error in their useSentence transformation (simple, negative, compound, complex, etc.)One-word substitutionSynonymsAntonymsSpelling errorsIdioms and phrases
PhysicsSets, Relations, and functions functions Trigonometric Functions Complex Number and Quadratic Equations Linear InequalitiesMathematical Induction Permutations and Combinations Binomial TheoremSequences and Series Cartesian system of rectangular coordinatesStraight lines and family of linesCircles and family of circles Conic sections Three-dimensional Geometry Matrices and Determinants Limit and Continuity Differentiation Applications of Derivatives Indefinite integrals Definite Integrals Applications of the Integrals Differential Equations Mathematical Reasoning Linear Programming Vector Probability Statistics
MathematicsReading Comprehension GrammarWord Formation (nouns from verbs, adjectives, etc.)PropositionDeterminersNoun & PronounModalsClauses (noun, adverb & relative ConjunctionAdverb clauses)Subject-verb concordVerb formation and error in their sentence transformation (simple, negative, compound, complex, etc.)One-word substitutionSynonymsAntonymsSpelling errorsIdioms and phrases

Air Force Group X Exam Pattern 2024

Here’s the comprehensive Air Force Group X Exam Pattern 2024 for all three phases of the selection process:

Online Test: This phase comprises an online examination covering various subjects.
Physical Fitness Test: Candidates must undergo a physical fitness assessment to evaluate their physical capabilities.
Medical Examination: Successful candidates from the previous stages will undergo a thorough medical examination to ensure they meet the required medical standards.
Review the detailed Indian Air Force Group X Exam Pattern below for further understanding.

Phase I – Online Written Test

The Phase-I online written exam pattern for Agniveer Airforce is outlined as follows:

The exam will consist of objective-type questions presented in both Hindi and English.
Candidates will receive one mark for each correct answer and incur a penalty of 1/4th (0.25) marks for each incorrect response.
Unattempted questions will receive nil (0) marks.

GroupSubjectsNo. of QuestionMarksDuration
Science SubjectsEnglish202060 minutes  
Other than Science SubjectsEnglish202045 minutes
Science Subjects & Other Than Science SubjectsEnglish202085 minutes
Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA)3030
Indian Airforce Agniveer Physical Fitness Test
Male Candidates
TestMax Time PeriodRemarks
1.6 Km Run7 Minutes
10 Push-ups1 MinuteThe test will be conducted after the 02-minute break on completion of 10 Sit-ups
10 Sit-ups1 MinuteThe test will be conducted after the 10-minute break on completion of the run
20 Squats1 MinuteThe test will be conducted after the 02-minute break on completion of 10 Sit-ups
Female Candidates
TestMax Time PeriodRemarks
1.6 Km Run8 Minutes
10 Sit-ups1 Minute and 30 SecondsThe test will be conducted after 02-minute break on completion of 10 Sit-ups
15 Squats1 MinuteThe test will be conducted after the 02-minute break on completion of the run

Air Force Group X Exam 2024 Preparation Strategy

Preparing for the Air Force Group X Examination demands focused effort. To excel, candidates must utilize top-quality study materials and follow the Air Force Group X Preparation Tips 2023 provided below:

Refer to NCERT Books: NCERT books offer a solid foundation in all subjects, aiding in grasping fundamental concepts effectively.

Practice with Model Papers: Solving Air Force Group X model papers provides insight into the question patterns commonly encountered in this recruitment, enhancing familiarity and confidence.

Engage in Mock Tests and Exercises: Candidates should actively participate in mock tests, test series, and exercises to self-assess their knowledge and refine their preparation strategies.

Air Force Group X Books To Be Referred

Below are some of the books that the candidates can refer to. To get section-wise recommended books by experts, check Air Force Group X Books 2024

Air Force Group X Books
Name of the BookAuthor Publications 
Wren & Martin’s High School English Grammar & CompositionS. ChandS Chand Publishing; Regular edition
Mathematics Objective For Air Force X Group, Navy SSR, Artificer & NDA/NA Entrance Exams Hindi Medium 2019Ram Singh YadavShri Krishan Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; First edition
Indian Air Force Airman Group ‘X’ PHYSICS PaperbackArihant Experts Arihant Publications; Second edition (2017)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the eligibility criteria for the Air Force Group X Exam 2024?

The eligibility criteria typically include educational qualifications, age limit, and nationality requirements. Candidates must have completed certain educational qualifications and meet age criteria as specified by the Indian Air Force.

How can I apply for the Air Force Group X Exam 2024?

Candidates can apply for the exam by visiting the Indian Air Force’s official website during the application window. They must fill out the online application form and submit it along with the required documents and application fee.

What is the selection process for the Air Force Group X Exam 2024?

The selection process usually involves multiple stages, such as a written exam, physical fitness test, and medical examination. Candidates who qualify in each stage proceed to the next phase of the selection process.

What is the syllabus and exam pattern for the Air Force Group X Exam 2024?

The syllabus typically covers subjects like English, Mathematics, and Physics. The exam pattern usually consists of objective-type questions with negative markings for incorrect answers.

Are there any recommended study materials for the Air Force Group X Exam 2024?

Candidates can refer to NCERT books for basic concepts and also solve model papers to understand the question patterns. Additionally, engaging in mock tests and exercises can help in self-assessment and preparation.

When will the Air Force Group X Exam 2024 be conducted?

The Indian Air Force will announce the exact date of the exam. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website for updates regarding the exam schedule.


Air Force Group X Exam 2024 presents a significant opportunity for individuals aspiring to join the Indian Air Force. Candidates can enhance their chances of success with a rigorous selection process and comprehensive preparation. By adhering to the eligibility criteria, diligently studying the syllabus, and leveraging recommended study materials, aspirants can bolster their readiness for the exam.

Engaging in mock tests, solving model papers, and self-assessment exercises are pivotal in refining preparation strategies. Ultimately, dedication, perseverance, and strategic planning are key to achieving success in the Air Force Group X Exam 2024 and realizing the dream of serving the nation through the Indian Air Force.

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