AIIA Professor Syllabus 2024 Download Exam Pattern

The All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) accepts online applications for the AIIA Professor position. Interested candidates can find the detailed syllabus for the role on the official website, The syllabus extensively covers Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy. The application process is streamlined and entirely online, facilitating easy submission for applicants.

Based in New Delhi, AIIA is a key institution dedicated to advancing Ayurveda education and research. Candidates should visit the official website to review eligibility criteria and gather additional information before applying.

AIIA Professor Syllabus – Overview

Organization NameAll India Institute of Ayurveda
Post NameProfessor
Application ModeOnline
LocationNew Dehili

AIIA Professor Syllabus Download Links

SyllabusClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here
Our Home PageClick Here

AIIA Professor Syllabus Portal

Hosted on, the AIIA Professor Syllabus Portal offers prospective candidates a thorough overview of crucial topics. This platform simplifies access to detailed syllabi encompassing Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy. Aspiring professors can utilize the portal to ensure comprehensive exam readiness and adhere to the academic standards set by the All India Institute of Ayurveda.

AIIA Professor Syllabus Exam pattern Download PDF

AIIA Professor Exam Syllabus


 1st ProfessionalClick Here
 2nd ProfessionalClick Here
 3rd ProfessionalClick Here
 4th ProfessionalClick Here

AIIA Professor Exam Pattern

Topics Marks 
Reasoning, Arithmetic/Numerical & Mental Ability20
English Language & General Knowledge/Awareness20
Subject Knowledge60

How To Download AIIA Professor Syllabus ?

For downloading the AIIA Professor Syllabus:

1. Go to the official AIIA website.
2. Locate the “Recruitment” or “Career” section.
3. Find the AIIA Professor Recruitment notification.
4. Look for the download link for the AIIA Professor Syllabus.
5. Click on the link to access the detailed syllabus.
6. Download and save the AIIA Professor Syllabus PDF for future reference during exam preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the AIIA Professor Syllabus for 2024?

The AIIA Professor Syllabus for 2024 is available on the official website of the All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA),

What topics are covered in the AIIA Professor Syllabus?

The syllabus covers a wide range of topics, including Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, and is designed to provide aspiring professors with a comprehensive understanding of these fields.

Is the AIIA Professor Syllabus available for download?

Yes, the syllabus can be downloaded from the official AIIA website. To find the relevant download link, navigate to the “Recruitment” or “Career” section.

Are there any specific eligibility criteria for aspiring professors?

Yes, candidates must meet certain eligibility criteria set by the AIIA. These criteria may include educational qualifications, experience, and other requirements. Details can be found on the official website.

How can I prepare effectively using the AIIA Professor Syllabus?

To prepare effectively, review the syllabus thoroughly and create a study plan based on the topics covered. For comprehensive preparation, utilize resources such as textbooks, online materials, and previous exam papers.

Are there any changes or updates to the syllabus for the current year?

It’s advisable to check the official AIIA website regularly for any updates or changes to the syllabus. Any revisions or additions will be communicated through official notifications.

Can I seek clarification or assistance regarding the syllabus from AIIA officials?

Yes, if you have any queries or need clarification regarding the syllabus, you can contact the AIIA authorities through the contact information provided on the official website.


AIIA Professor Syllabus 2024 provides aspiring candidates with a comprehensive overview of essential subjects such as Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy. Accessible through the official AIIA website, the syllabus can be downloaded from the “Recruitment” or “Career” section. It is available in PDF format for ease of reference during exam preparation.

Prospective applicants should review the detailed eligibility criteria provided along with the recruitment notification before applying. The syllabus is a valuable resource for exam preparation, covering topics relevant to the professor’s position. For further information about the recruitment process, candidates are advised to refer to the official AIIA website or the recruitment notification.

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