UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus 2024 Download PDF {हिन्दी}

Download the PDF of the Uttar Pradesh Assistant Professor Exam Syllabus 2024 in Hindi: Access the UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus and exam pattern, including the selection process, via the provided link. The syllabus is available in both Hindi and English languages for your convenience. For additional information, visit the official website of the commission at www.uphesconline.in & www.uphesc2024.co.in. Utilize the syllabus to effectively prepare for the exam, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all relevant topics.

UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus – Overview

Name of The OrganisationUttar Pradesh Higher Education Services Commission
Post NameAssistant Professor
Total No Of Vacancy917 posts
Article CategorySyllabus
Official websitewww.uphesc.org
Job LocationUttar Pradesh
Type Of JobState Govt Job

UPHESC Assistant Professor Selection Process

The selection process for the Assistant Professor posts in Uttar Pradesh under the Higher Education Services Commission is provided below –

1st StepWritten Exam200 Marks
2nd StepInterview30 Marks

UPHESC Assistant Professor Written Exam Pattern 2024

The candidates can refer to the table below to understand the exam pattern of the UPHESC Assistant Professor. The exam pattern is as follows.

General Knowledge3060
Subject Knowledge70140
Total100 Questions200 Marks

The written examination is weighted at 200 marks, comprising General Knowledge (60 marks) and various subjects such as Hindi, Drawing, Urdu, Geography, Sociology, etc. (140 marks). Additionally, the interview segment holds a value of 30 marks. Hence, the combined assessment across both rounds amounts to 230 marks.

UP Assistant Professor Syllabus for Subject 2024 Download Links

Subject NameSyllabus Download Link
Hindi (01)Click Here
Urdu (07)Click Here
English (10)Click Here
Sanskrit (16)Click Here
Drawing (20)Click Here
Music Vocal (25)Click Here
Music Sitar (26)Click Here
Music Tabla (27)Click Here
History (30)Click Here
Ancient History (31)Click Here
Asian Culture (33)Click Here
Geography (36)Click Here
Psychology (37)Click Here
Education (38)Click Here
Philosophy (39)Click Here
Anthropology (40)Click Here
Sociology (41)Click Here
Economics (43)Click Here
Political Science (44)Click Here
Physical Education (50)Click Here
Military Science (51)Click Here
Home science (53)Click Here
B. Ed (60)Click Here
Law (64)Click Here
Commerce (68)Click Here
Chemistry (70)Click Here
Botany (71)Click Here
Zoology (72)Click Here
Biochemistry (74)Click Here
Mathematics (75)Click Here
Physics (76)Click Here
Statistics (77)Click Here
Geology (78)Click Here
Agri. Botany (85)Click Here
Agri. Chemistry (86)Click Here
Entomology (87)Click Here
Agri. Economics (88)Click Here
Agri. Extension (89)Click Here
Horticulture (90)Click Here
Plant Pathology (91)Click Here
Animal Husbandry and Dairying (92)Click Here
Soil Conservation (93)Click Here
Agri. Engineering (94)Click Here
Agri. Agronomy (95)Click Here
Genetics and Plant Breeding (96)Click Here
Agri. Statistics (97)Click Here
Women Studies (100)Click Here
General Knowledge (00)Click Here

How to download the UP Assistant Professor Syllabus ?

To access the Exam Syllabus for the Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Service Commission Assistant Professor Exam, follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website at www.uphesc2024.co.in.
2. Navigate to the “Syllabus” section from the Menu Bar.
3. Choose the desired Subject Name from the drop-down list provided.
4. The UPHESC Assistant Professor Exam Syllabus for the selected subject will be displayed on your browser.
5. Download the Syllabus in PDF format in both Hindi & English languages by right-clicking on the file and selecting the “Save As PDF” option.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus consist of?

The UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus covers a wide range of subjects, including General Knowledge, Hindi, Drawing, Urdu, Geography, Sociology, etc., and is tailored to the requirements of the assistant professor exam.

Where can I find the UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus?

The UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus can be accessed on the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Service Commission (UPHESC) at www.uphesc2024.co.in under the “Syllabus” section.

Is the UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus available in multiple languages?

Yes, the syllabus is available in both Hindi and English for candidates’ convenience.

How can I download the UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus?

To download the syllabus, visit the official website, navigate to the “Syllabus” section, select the desired subject, and then choose the “Save As PDF” option to download the syllabus in PDF format.

What is the weightage of the interview round in the UPHESC Assistant Professor Exam?

The interview round holds 30 marks in the UPHESC Assistant Professor Exam, contributing to the overall assessment and the written test.

Does the UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus cover all topics relevant to the exam?

Yes, the syllabus is designed to encompass all essential topics and subjects that candidates need to prepare for to excel in the assistant professor exam conducted by UPHESC.


UPHESC Assistant Professor Syllabus is a comprehensive guide encompassing various subjects for the assistant professor exam. Accessible in both Hindi and English languages on the official website, candidates can conveniently download it in PDF format. With a weightage of 200 marks for the written test and 30 marks for the interview round, the syllabus equips candidates with the necessary knowledge and preparation to excel in the examination.

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