BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024 For Entrance Exam –Syllabus and Exam Structure in Depth

Preparing for the BCECE Agriculture Entrance Exam 2024 to pursue agricultural courses? Let us enhance your readiness with comprehensive insights into the BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024. Stay tuned with us for detailed information. In this article, we’ll provide you with subject-wise details of the BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024 and delve into the entire exam pattern.

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BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024 – Overview

Name of the ArticleBCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024
Type of ArticleSyllabus
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Detailed Information of BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024?Please Read the Article Completely.

BCECE Agriculture कोर्सेज मे पाये डायरेक्ट दाखिला, जाने क्या है पूरी एग्जाम पैर्टन और सेलेबस – BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024?

For all our students and young aspirants preparing for the BCECE Agriculture 2024 entrance exam, we aim to boost their preparation by providing detailed insights into the BCECE Agriculture Syllabus. Here are some key points we’ll cover:

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Important Dates of BCECE Agriculture 2024?

Scheduled EventsScheduled Dates
Online Registration Starting Date19.04.2024
Online Registration Closing Date19.05.2024
Last date of payment through Net Banking / Debit Card / Credit Card / UPI and submission of the Online Application Form of Registered Candidate21.05.2024
Online Editing of Application Form23.05.2024 to 25.05.2024
Uploading of Online Admit Card28.06.2024
Proposed Date of Examination13.07.2024 व 14.07.2024

BCECE Agriculture Exam Pattern 2024 – जाने कैसा होगा एग्जाम पैर्टन?

SubjectExam Pattern
PhyicsNo of Questions100Marks400
ChemistryNo of Questions100Marks400
MathematicsNo of Questions100Marks400Duration90 Minutes
BiologyNo of Questions100Marks400
AgricultureNo of Questions100Marks400

BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024 – जाने किस विषय से किस प्रकार के सवाले पूछे जा सकते है?

Name of the SubjectImportant Points
Introductory Agriculture and AgrometeorologyDefinition of Agriculture, Brief history of Agriculture.Disciplines of Agriculture: Agronomy, Soil Science, Plant breeding and genetics, Horticulture, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Extension education, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural statistics ( One paragraph description on each discipline)National and International agricultural institutes in India.Agroclimatic Zones of India and Bihar.Elements of Weather-rainfall, temperature, humidity, wind velocity, sunshine, weather forecasting’ Climate change in relation to crop production.Tillage: Definition, Objective, and types of tillage.Tillage implements (primary, secondary, and inter tillage).Soil tilth, its importance, and its effect on soil properties.Tillage practices (conventional) vs. conservation and zero tillage).Methods of sowing/planting, Depth of sowing, transplanting, and harvesting.
Soil as A Medium Of Plant GrowthSoil as a natural three-dimensional resource.Soil classification, major soils of India/ Bihar.Soil profile, soil texture, and structure, Soil Organism, Soil reaction / pH.Soil water.Soil fertility & productivity and their indicators.Essential plant nutrients, their functions, and deficiency symptoms.Sufficiency and toxic levels of nutrients.Fertilizers, manure, bio-fertilizers, integrated nutrient management.Fertilizer placement, top dressing, and foliar application.
Plant Breeding and GeneticsMendel’s Laws of inheritance and its exception and significance.Qualitative and quantitative traits and their inheritance.Plant Breeding: Definition, history, objective, and its achievements.Heterosis, its basis, and exploitation.Breeding methods for crop improvement:- Introduction, selection, hybridization, mutation, polyploidy, population improvement.Recent methods of crop improvement, plant biotechnology, and genetic engineering.Plant Genetic Resources: their collection, conservation, and utilization.Seed: Formation, classification, and multiplication.Intellectual Property Right: Definition, Classification, and its importance.
Agricultural EngineeringAgricultural Implements:- cultivators, M.B. plow, Disc, Zero till seed drill, Rotavator, Power tiller, Tractor, Harvester – Engine- I.C. Engine: parts of the engine and their work. Working of I.C. Engine, Working of 2 and 4 stroke engines. Difference between 2 strokes and 4 stroke engines, Difference between diesel and petrol engine, problems, and troubleshooting of engine, Maintenance of engine, Maintenance after 100 hours and Maintenance after 500 hours.Electric motor: D.C. and A.C. 3 phase induction motor, single-phase induction motor, Types of the motor, Capacitor, Selection of electric motor.Sowing: Method of seeding or sowing, Seed-cum-fertilizer drill, Calibration of seed drill machine, thresher- its working and maintenance, winnower.Harvesting Equipment, working principle of mower, Problems, and maintenance of harvesting equipment.
Crop ProtectionImportance of crop insect-pests, diseases, nematodes, rodents.Important insect-pest and diseases of field crops, vegetables, fruits, and stored grain pests and their management.Methods of control of insect-pest and disease:- Physical, Mechanical, Cultural, biological, chemical, anatomical, legal method and integrated pest management.Pesticides and their classification, symptoms of poisoning, First aids and antidotes.Harmful effects of insecticides.Effect of the environment (temperature, moisture, wind, light, soil pH) on pest development.
Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fish ProductionImportance of livestock in agriculture & industryImportant developmental programs by Central or State Government for improvement of livestock ( Operation Flood)Important indigenous and exotic breeds of Cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat & poultry.System of housing in cattle & poultry. – Principles of feeding. – Management of cattle at the time ofcalving (ii) newborn calf (iii) heifers (iv) milch animals (v) pregnant animals and poultry (vi) Bullocks (Chicks pullets, Layers, Broilers) – Principles of the feeding of different classes of animals, calves, pregnant animals, lactating animals, Bullocks and Poultry (Chicks, Pullets, Layers & Broilers)Methods of conservation of green fodder (haymaking & silage making)Sign of sick & healthy animals, etiology symptoms, prevention, and control of common diseases in cattle & poultry. (i) Rinderpest (ii) Foot & mouth disease (iii) Rabies (iv) Haemorrahagicsepticaemia (v) Black quarter (vi) Mastitis (Vii) Trypanosomiasis (viii) Basesiosis (ix) Coccidiosis (x) Ranikhet disease (xi) Fowl pox (xii) I.B.D. or Gumboro disease. – Artificial insemination (Definition, Benefits, Drawbacks). – Principle and methods of milking clean milk production.Modern methods of fish production.
Crop ProductionCultivation of CropsEconomic importance, origin, distribution, soil and climatic requirement, varieties, cultural practices (Seedbed preparation, seed treatment, time and method of sowing/ planting, seed rate; dose, method and time of fertilizer application, irrigation, inter-culture, and weed control; common pests and diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, virus and nematode, integrated pest management, harvesting, threshing, post-harvest technology, storage, processing and marketing, and major production constraints) of following crops:Cereals: Paddy, Wheat, maize.Pluses: pigeon pea, gram, lentil, pea mung bean, red bean.Oilseeds: Groundnut, rapeseed and mustard, Linseed, sunflower. Cash crops: Sugarcane, jute. Fooder and forage crops: Sorghum, maize, oat, Napier grass berseem etcCropping systemCrop rotation, sequential cropping, mixed cropping, intercropping, parallel cropping multi-storied cropping, multiple cropping, cropping system/cropping pattern, cropping intensity.Important cropping system for the rainfed and irrigated ecosystem of Bihar.Soil and Water ManagementWater requirement, Irrigation requirement, the concept of irrigation scheduling.Field capacity, permanent wilting point, plant available water.Method of irrigation. – Importance of drainage, drainage methods.Problem soils and its management saline-alkaline, acid soil, and waterlogged (Diara and Tal)

अन्त इस प्रकार हमने आपको विस्तार से पूरे  सेलेबस व एग्जाम पैर्टन  के बारे मे बताया ताकि आप बिना किसी समस्या के  प्रवेश परीक्षा  की तैयारी कर सकें।

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the major subjects included in the BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024?

The BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024 comprises subjects such as Agriculture Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and General Knowledge.

How can I obtain a detailed BCECE Agriculture Syllabus for effective preparation?

You can access the detailed BCECE Agriculture Syllabus 2024 on the official website of the BCECE Board or through reputable study materials and guides available both online and offline.

Are there any changes in the BCECE Agriculture Syllabus compared to the previous year?

It’s essential to stay updated with the latest notifications from the BCECE Board to know about any revisions or updates in the BCECE Agriculture Syllabus for 2024. However, typically, the syllabus remains relatively consistent with minor modifications, if any.

What is the weightage of each subject in the BCECE Agriculture Entrance Exam?

The weightage of each subject may vary slightly each year. However, subjects like Agriculture Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology usually carry significant weight in the exam, while General Knowledge serves as an additional component.

How can I effectively prepare for the BCECE Agriculture Entrance Exam based on the syllabus?

To prepare effectively, create a study schedule, prioritize topics based on their weightage, utilize quality study materials, practice previous years’ question papers, and regularly assess your progress through mock tests and quizzes.

Are there any specific resources available to aid in BCECE Agriculture Syllabus preparation?

Yes, there are various resources available, including textbooks, online courses, video lectures, practice sets, and mock tests specifically designed to cater to the BCECE Agriculture Syllabus requirements.

Where can I find sample papers or mock tests aligned with the BCECE Agriculture Syllabus?

You can find sample papers and mock tests for the BCECE Agriculture Entrance Exam on educational websites, coaching institutes, and online platforms dedicated to competitive exam preparation. Additionally, the BCECE Board may also release official sample papers for practice.

Is there any specific strategy recommended for tackling the BCECE Agriculture Entrance Exam?

It’s advisable to focus on concept clarity, time management, regular practice, and revision. Additionally, solving previous years’ question papers and mock tests can help in familiarizing yourself with the exam pattern and enhancing your problem-solving skills.


Preparing for the BCECE Agriculture Entrance Exam 2024 requires a thorough understanding of the syllabus and effective study strategies. By addressing common questions and providing detailed answers regarding the BCECE Agriculture Syllabus, we aim to support all aspirants in their preparation journey.

It’s crucial to stay updated with any changes in the syllabus and utilize available resources efficiently for comprehensive preparation. With dedication, strategic planning, and consistent practice, success in the BCECE Agriculture Entrance Exam is within reach.

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